When the next inflation article is posted, from Marketwatch, CNBC, Reuters, or AP on April 15th, do you want me to ping you? They’re usually in Breaking News.
Why certainly! Please ping me on that date to prove to me that FINANCIAL media outlets aimed at the 1rudeboys of the world provide both measures of inflation. That will be a stunning insight!
Meanwhile, you couldn’t find the quotes in my links to document that the Atlanta Journals, New York Times, DesertNewses Pioneer Presses, Valley Buglers, Peoria Pissants, the local CBS affiliates of the media world provide BOTH inflation measures. Even some of those bozos must wonder about CPI staying low when gas is back to $4 per gallon.
C’mon, its obvious that the “Media” obscures from the Obama voters of the world that there are realistic inflation measures which would diminish the One’s popularity.