What’s the deal with these bags? Pollution hazards? I rarely see them on the side of any roads. Maybe using too much petro by-products to produce them? You have to ask because the government almost never honest eith us anymore nd always seems to have hidden agendas usully invomving profit or soaking the taxpayers for more in mind
Remember... it was the libtards who insisted on everyone using these plastic bags, as paper grocery bags were depleting the Erf’s resources, despite the fact that paper is recyclable and trees are a renewable resource. Now, 20 years later after everyone forgets that those POS scum insisted on the change, the libtards bemoan the use of those very same bags. It is extremely demoralizing how these scumbag are allowed to continue wreaking havoc on this country with impunity.
I don’t know either and like you, I rarely see them discarded, blowing about roads or city streets.
The only claim I hear is that they aren’t biodegradable and are thus clogging up the city dumps and worse, are ending up out at sea where they claim there are huge islands of plastic bags and plastic trash that’s hurting the fish and dolphin populations. But, like you, I don’t know if these reports are true or made up.
Its really strange. I’ve wondered if the truth is that the Liberals are always looking for ways to inconvenience “consumption” and have come to believe that forcing people to bring in their own reusable bags will discourage shoppers from buying as much as they might otherwise do.