Oh nooooo. YOU would find yourself up on charges of corporal punishment and lose your job. As a matter of fact, in NYC, Bloombutt's non-educator chancellor, an amoral lawyer named Klein, broadened the definition of corporal punishment to include "making a child feel nervous or upset". I kid you not. So any tone of voice which is not Barney-like can be interpreted as verbal abuse, i.e. corporal punishment. "Put that cell phone away!" Verbal abuse. "If you don't study for the test tomorrow, you are going to fail the class." Verbal abuse. "Johnnie, why are you late AGAIN?" Verbal abuse. And they'll get 20 of their little pals to write statements exaggerating what the teacher did or said, or even making it up as they go along. Guess who gets believed?
Who, exactly, is in charge? The students! Teachers have to tiptoe around them and court their "like".
Anybody thinking about going into teaching? Make an appointment with your shrink!