To: SJackson
White educators are prone to wondering why black and brown boys are prone to fighting in school, he writes. They question why violence is taught in homes of color. Missing from this analysis however is how these boys might be affected by growing up in a White-governed country which threatens young men of color at will, distrusts their ability to succeed and follow the law, and allows daily racial stress to mount in neighborhoods, schools and classrooms. Why it is amusing to see libs eating their own, that statement basically summarizes why there is and will always be a ghetto in US cities.
5 posted on
03/25/2014 5:34:34 AM PDT by
(But thermodynamics is just a social construct, created by the ruling white power structure)
To: gr8eman
“Take up the White Man’s burden —
Ye dare not stoop to less —
Nor call too loud on freedom
To cloak your weariness;
By all ye cry or whisper,
By all ye leave or do,
The silent, sullen peoples
Shall weigh your Gods and you.”
Different times and places. But the same problem.
7 posted on
03/25/2014 5:47:57 AM PDT by
("Nothing can bring you peace but yourself; nothing, but the triumph of principles." -Emerson)
To: gr8eman
We are going to be making a return to segregated schools, with whites footing the bill through taxes for the black schools and their overseas field trips and such, while holding bake sales to pay for their own kids' band uniforms. It will be Kansas City School District redux, because the left's answer to a solution which hasn't worked is-more of the same.
I think that any white parents who don't make any sacrifice possible to homeschool, have their heads in the sand like ostriches. Leave these reformatories and juvenile delinquent baby-sitting sercvices known as "public schools" to those who want them that way.
And if you go the private school route, check into it carefully-some private schools, including religious ones, are right at the front of the leftist, man-made global warming and other indoctrination, parade.
Homeschooling is really the only way to be assured of what your kids are learning. Some schools don't even require students to inform parents when they're taught classes in sodomite practices-some have even actively worked to prevent the kids from telling their parents.
9 posted on
03/25/2014 6:00:44 AM PDT by
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