Madigan is afraid. That’s why he’s pushing the entire class warfare scheme. Rauner will have a bully pulpit. He can call them out on spending and corruption.
It will kill their super-majority because it’s held together by money and favors. That’s the start of the crack. He’s seen what has happened in Michigan, Wisconsin and Indiana.
Once that door opens and the voters see they have an alternative it’s lights out. That said, this is Illinois. They’re as likely to reelect Quinn as they are to breathe.
I don't see how Rauner has the bully pulpit since he's given tens of thousands of dollars to the Democrats also (quite a bit to Rahm Emmanuel.)
Go look at Rauners political contributions. He's bought into both parties. IMO he's as crooked and corrupt as the rest of them.
Why do I say that? Ask yourself this question: What's a guy who earned $53 million dollars last year doing spending upwards of $12 million on the Illinois Governor's race, for a "job" that pays less than $200k/year.
I sure don't think he's doing it out of the goodness of his heart or because he "loves Illinois" ..... Rauner's expecting a payoff for his businesses. Whether that's increased business through the state of Illinois, "tax favors" or getting relatives hired to cushy state jobs.
That's what always happens in Illinois. That's why four of our past seven Governors have gone to Federal Prison, and that's why I'm highly skeptical of Rauner. (I personally know Rauner's media campaign strategist --- another slimeball.)