we’re too stupid to do that...at least giving them arms, they could defend themselves...As for “provoking” Putin with arms shipments...DUH..Putin is going to go in there anyways, he might just think twice if there is a risk russian soldiers get killed, that would be very bad press for him at home.
don’t you just love leading from behind!
Obamas stern warnings are like a Restraining Order in a domestic dispute...not worth the paper its written on!
Yes..restraining order..that is true. Those actually are responsible for instigations of murder often. They just fan the flames often, in an emotional situation.
I actually was a long time member of a church lead by the “rev.” Jesse Lee Peterson who appears on occasion on Hannitys show. I saw that he actually is a bit of a control freak, and I spoke up to him..
Was excommunicated, which was fine with me. I sent some literally harmless emails of my dismay of the bad turn that the “rev.” has taken . He actually filed multiple restraining orders, taking away my right to own a gun for a while. He also process to lie his ass off in court in order to influence the judge against me. I have never seen such wickedness wielded against me, and from my own political side!