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To: Black Agnes

Civil rights don’t apply to behavior. If they did, people who play and practice in rock bands would have noise ordinances overturned. Pyromaniacs would have arson laws overturned. Alcoholics would have drunk driving laws thrown out. Being black is not the same thing as getting your jollies from filthy sexual behavior.

33 posted on 03/20/2014 10:28:49 PM PDT by ElkGroveDan (My tagline is in the shop.)
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To: ElkGroveDan

You haven’t paid attention to the ‘hate crime’ legislation then have you? ‘sexual orientation’ is included in that.

Civil rights act + hate crime legislation including ‘sexual orientation’ makes this sort of thing a fait accompli.

And ‘behavior’ that takes place in the confines of ones home that is imperceptible to others isn’t applicable to noise ordinances. Unless you think peeping toms are public servants? Or you call the police when you hear the straight couple next door doing the nasty?

Listen. This has been the whole idea from the beginning.

I went to a VERY liberal arts college in the early 1980s in the deep south. One of the history profs was a former freedom marcher who’d been involved in the whole civil rights movement. He *bragged* that the civil rights act wasn’t just about blacks at lunch counters. It was about government deciding what the playing field was going to look like. He viewed it as a first step to the ultimate socialist state that he wanted this country to become. Government says who or what you can do business with means you no longer have a say in your own business. Only low info voters thought it was about blacks at lunch counters...

Prior to the hate crimes legislation discriminating against this sort of thing might have had a legal leg to stand on. Not anymore. Civil rights act says government dictates your customers based on predetermined criteria. Hate crimes legislation merely codifies that criteria after the fact.

I don’t like it one bit. Doesn’t change the fact that the diocese in question will get the snot sued out of them and end up selling the property against their wishes AND probably paying for a sodomite orgy with the legal winnings besides.

Friend of mine owns a formal dress store. I won’t go into the horrors she has had to experience with tranny customers. And every lawyer she’s talked to tells her that unless she wants the trannies to own her business she HAS to allow them in her shop. She’s had to request customers with little girls (honey booboo is a big hit in this area) come at pre specified times and private appointments to avoid the potential X rated dressing room. One of her tranny customers came running out of the dressing room, stark naked, holding a dress in one hand shouting ‘this will never do. never never never...’ Meanwhile the store was full of moms and daughters shopping for dresses for a local pageant. 6 year olds got an eyefull of grown naked man. And there’s nothing the store owner can do about it either...without getting sued.

34 posted on 03/20/2014 11:04:27 PM PDT by Black Agnes
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