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To: Black Agnes
When you put your property up for sale you can’t discriminate against who purchases it. Period.

You can by law specify the property's purpose or how it will be used in the future. If a buyer wants to burn it down or turn it into a hog farm the seller can reject that buyer. If The Church doesn't want to sell the property to those whose intent is to use and abuse the property through the practice of rectal sodomy within its walls, they can legally make that choice.

As noted above, for you to compare the cause of sexual perversion to the normal lives of normal black couples is beyond insulting to black people everywhere.

27 posted on 03/20/2014 9:37:42 PM PDT by ElkGroveDan (My tagline is in the shop.)
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To: ElkGroveDan

Good luck enforcing that.

Are you planning on installing video cameras?

Would you sell a car to an 18yr old boy knowing he will likely fornicate in that car?

You have no way to prevent or enforce that.

And it’s not different from the ‘block busting’ that went on in the 1960’s. You either:

A: Own the property and can decide what to do with your own property.


B: You do not own the property.

If you thought the civil rights act was about letting black people sit at lunch counters you seriously underestimated the original intent of its authors.

I bet you thought the immigration act wouldn’t dramatically change our demographics either. Didn’t you?

If the Church wanted to prevent this sort of open sale they should have offered it privately to parishioners that could afford it and not had it go on the open market.

Chalk this up to ‘unintended consequences’.

29 posted on 03/20/2014 9:52:23 PM PDT by Black Agnes
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