Yes, they do. They follow it to the letter. But the Constitution they follow is the Living Constitution, the Constitution as a tree, the Constitution that keeps growing and evolving even though its actual words never change. They follow the case law generated from the Living Constitution to include various penumbras and emanations not written into it.
When the federal entity gets too far away from the Constitution as a rock -- the Constitution that means what it says -- then it's up to somebody to rein in the federal entity by sharpening and clarifying the words of the Constitution so that there is no question as to what the Constitution means. Today this would mean reviving federalism and giving the states the authority and means to restrict the federal entity. Would either House of Congress pass such a menu of amendments? No! It's absurd to think that the federal entity would willingly curb its power. But Article V permits the states to bypass Congress, propose its own slate of Amendments, and after Congress decides whether the states are to ratify by state legislatures or by state ratifying conventions, the rest is in the hands of the states themselves via the ratification process.
Liberals had us outnumbered 26 states to 24 in 2012. Yeah - liberals will just roll over and allow conservatives to rewrite the constitution. :-) Conservatives don’t even have the power to run the House or the RNC much less rewrite a Constitution. Ha ha ha.