So I am going to bed and try to get away from it for awhile...God be with the Jews in Ukraine. Let it all go away and be a nightmare of short duration. I have a terrible feeling this is just the beginning. And I want to spit so many times on McCain.
“I just cannot be more sad about seeing this happen.”
I am furious to see leaders of US and so-called “democratic” European countrirs cuddling neo-nazis in Ukraine.
The European Parliament in 2012 condemned the Ukrainian socialist-national party Svobodas racism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia as against the EUs fundamental values and principles.
One year later, the same EU and US support an illegitimate government in Ukraine, in which the same neo-nazi, antisemitic and xenophobic Svoboda party holds five key positions, including the vice-prime minister, minister of defence and prosecutor general.
The recognition of Kosovo independence set a precedent that gives Crimeans, as well as Basques and Catalans, a right for self-determination, German opposition leader said, lashing out at the Chancellor Angela Merkels support of sanctions against Russia.
Gregor Gysi, the parliamentary head of the largest lower-house opposition party in Germany the Left Party has spoken out on Thursday against German Chancellors unquestioning support of the coup-appointed Ukrainian government.
They formed a new government..... Immediately recognized by president Obama by the EU and German government as well. Miss Merkel! The vice- prime minister, the defense minister, minister of agriculture, environment minister, the attorney general.. They are fascists! he stated.
Gysi was furious that Germany is doing nothing to address the extreme right threat in Ukraine.
“With fascists in Ukraine we are doing nothing. Svoboda party has tight contacts with NPD and other Nazi parties in Europe.. The leader of this party, Oleg Tyagnibok, has recalled that literally.
The Lefts leader went on to read a quote from Tyagnibok, where he publically urged people in Ukraine to Grab the guns, fight the Russian pigs, the Germans, the Jews pigs and others.