A world where drug addicts or AIDS-infected homosexuals have to deal with the consequences of their decisions without a welfare state to bail them out will do much more to deal with these issues than the trillions we've wasted on the "war on drugs" and all the tub-thumping about gays on both sides of the aisle would ever accomplish.
IF you really think a social/moral conservative politician sounds like a fool. Then you ARE NOT a social/morale conservative and you should STOP calling yourself one. You are ashamed of what you claim you hold true.
There's a world of difference between finding something distasteful and wanting government, especially the Federal government, to pass laws outlawing it. I find most of the idiocy that's on TV nauseating. My solution to this problem is not to watch it, rather than to push for Federal laws curtailing free speech.
I am pesonally pro-life but I dont think I should force this on others. That is NOT being pro-life. Pro-life means you think abortion is MURDER...thus one cannot take a well this only applies to me attitude and be trully pro-life.
The abortion issue is not like the drug use or homosexuality issue. Laws against drug use or sodomy laws are there to protect people from themselves. I disagree with such laws, and they would be redundant in a world where people were financially responsible for their actions. Women who have abortions are in a different category because their actions harm another party. The right way to deal with this issue is to work to appoint SCOTUS justices who will overturn Roe v. Wade, which should have never passed regardless of what one feels about abortion because it violates the 10th amendment.
“Laws against drug use or sodomy laws are there to protect people from themselves. I disagree with such laws, and they would be redundant in a world where people were financially responsible for their actions.”
That is Libertarian idiocy and why Libertarians like Rand Paul SHOULD NOT call themselves “conservative” or “republican.” Besides, laws against “illicit drugs & sodomy” are NOT just to protect people from themselves...but to protect society from those people.
You are ENTIRELY wrong about placing fiscal matters ahead of morale concerns....and you are COMPLETELY wrong if you think fixing fiscal issues will promote morale behavior. No, fixing “fiscal” issues without first addressing moral behavior may at best produce some momentary prosperity...which in of itself NEVER produces a moral society.
Please stop screwing up the Republican Party with Libertarian (Libertine) lawlessness. Stay in your OWN party. The GOP belongs first to its social/morale conservative base.