Your thoughts are realistic, far fetched....but realistic!!! I wrote the same thesis a week ago on another site.....mainly because I believe POTUS Obama and his entire administration are asleep at the wheel...intelligence wise. Any creative “Hollywood” producer or writer could come up with this possible scenerio. What I am saying is that the Obamabots in Washingotn and around the world never saw this type of action coming....The terrorists that hate America...certainly did!!! Why? Just look at the fiasco that occurred at Benghazi!!! The American people and voters are not-too-bright IMHO!!! We shall see!!! With all the technical advantage and skill available....Obama & his “keystone” either can’t find the aircraft...or more likely....they have found it and want to keep it secret from the American public because we could be in terrible harm’s way!!! How’s that Obama “Hope & Change’ workin’ out for you American folks???