Ignorant Luddites!
Ignorant Luddites!
If the United States is truly committed to avoiding a 2 degree temperature increase,
They’re conceding that we may be talking about just 2 degrees now?
Was this Representative Golem, perhaps?
“my preeeeeeeciousssssssssssssssss....”
The thought that we can become self-sufficient as a nation and dependent on no one just terrifies the Democrats to no end.
So many fools in one place.
And these are the “progressives?”
Well, isn’t that just mighty pious of them? Leaving the resources in the ground is supposed to “preserve” them for future generations, but what is the rationale for the resources to be extracted then?
Petroleum became the big resource it was because another resource was coming in very short supply, whale oil that was used for lamplight. Kerosene was so much cheaper, and widely available, that the whale oil industry disappeared almost overnight. And with it, of course, the extreme pressure on the population of whales.
Of course, the world has never gone back to the hunting of whales for the oil content, even as the price of petroleum has been driven inexorably higher. But there has been much expanded use of natural gas, which used to be a “useless” byproduct of petroleum extraction.
That is the point - what is now considered to be “waste” or “trash” could very well be tomorrow’s new energy resource, and the misplaced desire to “preserve” Nature’s bounty actually depresses the economy, destroying innovation and application.
Maybe we would all be better off just starting to build an underground (literally) society....
We would have plenty of fuel, heat, and water....
Drill deep enough and you can get geothermal energy to run green houses and power industry in making more equipment to dig out tunnels and build structures underground....
We could build a giagantic civilisation underground and away from Big brother’s eyes....
We could feed the excess food to the dolts living up top until their brains shrink tot he size of cattle and eat them... wait I was thiking of HG wells the tiem machine......
But seriously, we would be safe from thermonuclear events, solar events, gamma ray burtsts, floods, volcanic eputions, maybe not earthquakes, but not a bad trade when consider the toher things that can kill humans....
We would only have to fight against the Morlocks and the Reptoids who live underground and I think if we kept to ourselves we would be alright....
I hereby declare president obama and the democrats in the House and Senate and anywhere else are resources which must be kept underground.
These proglodytes should be hunted to extinction.
One must wonder if they have a clue that we are a carbon-based life form and are able to consider what that might mean.