Runway length required for airline aircraft is a simple mathematical calculation.
How long required to reach Vmc (minimum controllable airspeed with one engine inoperable) and distance to reach that speed and abort and come to a full stop and remain on the runway.
The distances vary with field altitude, temperature, weight, runway gradient and wind direction/velocity.
We are not talking about theoretical safe lengths of runways for the safety and comfort of the flying public.
We are talking about how short a runway could be used to land or take off a 777. The big factor would be the pilots ability.
Some pilots would land or take off in a much shorter distance.
If you use a formula like you suggested, for a 777 the runway would probably be about 10,000 feet long. - tom
I fly commercial all the time. Once I took a military plane from ABQ to Holloman with a military pilot, and passenger comfort was not a concern. We jerked and jumped off the runway and began a tight turn almost immediately. It wa G force that Southwest would never have treated me to.