Good grief. This Cruz vs. Paul dust up is the biggest non-event of the year so far. It’s very murky as to where they disagree, and it’s sooooooooooo obvious that the GOPe wants them feuding, or at least portrayed that way. They overlap on a wide array of issues, and are both hated by McCain (which is a HUGE plus for both). I don’t think Rand Paul can be the nominee for several reasons, and neither of them has any experience as a chief executive. They will both add greatly to the debate (along with Sarah Palin), but will not be the guy. In fact, they will both add more to the debate than the eventual nominee. In the meantime it would be nice if they would return their attention to the idiot who’s currently running the country into the ground.
To what purpose?
It's not about Obama. It's not about defense.
I already know that they think or say our could do to "stop" Obama. Big deal. I'm interested in their take on what they think "Republican" should mean.
I hope I'm wrong, but ... Romney or somebody like him is going to rise like a vampire again in 2016. The primaries will make sure of it. Unless the GOP makes a 180. But no -- the conversation has to be about a weasel fraud like Obama.
Just sayin', be prepared for that "surprise."
Just curious if you’re aware that Dr. Rand Paul owned and managed his own medical specialty practice?
I don’t disagree with your main point, in that I won’t be surprised if neither Cruz nor Paul ends up as the nominee from the conservative/liberatarian side of the aisle.
It’s clear neither will ever have full support fom the GOP-e and they’ll keep the pot stirred and the conservative circular firing squad well supplied with ammo.