Well, I gather Romney is not particularly liked here, but I do wish he had won rather than the diabolical community organizer in the White House now.
The problem with the GOP right now is they’ve somehow gotten collectively brainwashed that the American people want the GOP to be exactly like the democrats, but not as extreme.
Americans do not want more democrats.
That is nonsense, and it loses elections. We need to advocate for things other than “what the other side does, just not quite as badly”.
We need to be for American growth once again.
Growth. American businesses, and American science.
Stop sending American jobs to Asia. Bring them back to America.
Build up our own country, for a change.
“Well, I gather Romney is not particularly liked here”
I don’t think anyone is particularly well liked here.
You should check out some of the threads from the 2012 primary. It was brutal. Bachman, Perry, Santorum, Gingrich, Palin, Romney, Huntman, they were all pretty much portrayed as the spawn of Satan here.
Romney is the reason the diabolical community organizer is in the White House.
His strategy failed.
He bet his election that he could move to the left and pick up enough liberals to offset any conservatives he would lose thinking that most would have no other choice.
So we heard about gay boyscouts, the “health” of the mother, gay adoption, gun control that he liked, enhanced “revenues and fees”, RomneyCare, and compromise.
The result of that: the liberals said no anyway, and he’d already run off the conservatives.
His grand strategy failed. The failure lies at the doorstep of the general who approved that strategy.