Sorry, but that was nothing but a man arguing against the conservative view, the traditional view, the centuries old, AND EFFECTIVE view, and trying not to reveal his liberal hand while doing it.
Some young guy would read your arguments and think that gays in the military is natural and always has been, and that the only opposition to it is some old fuddy duddies who want to cause trouble for people because they have different tastes.
That is some of that lefty/libertarian, anti-conservative, anti-American stuff I was describing earlier, and something that you want conservatives to accept without prejudice, in their candidates.
Should two married Massachusetts couples who are in the military, one gay, one normal, but both legally married under state law, be treated the same by the military, or should the federal government discriminate against the gay couple, recognizing the Massachusetts state marriage of the normal couple, and refusing to recognize the Massachusetts state marriage of the gays?
Just keep propping up and flogging that straw man. It’s lost it’s entertainment value for me...
So you support government funded whelping boxes for welfare queens.
How could you possibly say that government has a legitimate interest in defining a family, and exclude those poor women without a husband?
Don’t even try to hide it...