They love to claim “recovery” at every turn. I don’t see it on the ground level.
There is a disconnect on the economy between two groups of people - the average Joe (that’s me) and the macro-economist.
I see inflation in products we buy every day - energy, food, and other necessities. They see deflation in the big numbers (markets and banks). The stock market goes up and they are happy - the price of milk goes up and we are sad.
I won’t say one group is right and one is wrong. I think we just look at the world differently and perception is a powerful force in the economy.
If only we had planted more magic unicorn bulbs.
“They love to claim recovery at every turn. I dont see it on the ground level.”
Very few people do; they just keep repeating the lie until it becomes the truth (it got their commissar re-elected).
“The stock market goes up and they are happy - the price of milk goes up and we are sad.”
The best way for a company to drive up its stock price is to announce layoffs of American workers - without fail. As for the increases in prices that we see with food staples, gasoline, etc., we’re still supposed to believe there is no inflation. I for one don’t know how many of the grocery name brands stay in business, as Americans are forced to buy no-frills groceries just to keep their families fed.