Juan is still a dedicated far left liberal stooge so this "shocking treatment" hasn't shocked him enough to abandon the racist democrat party.
Whatever happened to "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"?
YET, I respect his intelligence and ability--clearly displayed in the article cited in this thread-- to call out the BIGOTRY of those who cannot stand to listen to those who have ideas and opinions that are not in lock-step with their own!
As citizens of a democratic (NOT DEMOCRAT) republic, we need to remain CIVILians, and keep ad hominem attacks out of our discourse.
That way, we do not sink to the level of those whose only idea of criticism is derisive--and devisive--name-calling.
Liberals are not liberal. They are closed minded fanatics who cannot tolerate any opposition to their benighted opinions.