Largest Law Firm (IIRC) in United States goes Bankrupt. Law Firm under investigation for fraud. 3,000+ attorneys (IIRC). Comparisons to Enron being leveled by media against Law Firm. Wonder what the real story is and why does the real story always make its way out through an opinion, a non opinion or additional fraud which one could call complacency known as a media?
Thanks for the good news in hidden in the “unexpected” bad news.
“Largest Law Firm (IIRC) in United States goes Bankrupt. Law Firm under investigation for fraud. 3,000+ attorneys (IIRC). Comparisons to Enron being leveled by media against Law Firm. Wonder what the real story is and why does the real story always make its way out through an opinion, a non opinion or additional fraud which one could call complacency known as a media?”
This might even be better news than when a left wing fish wrap is facing bankruptcy.