You are right about that.
A Grimes win in the general against McConnell would allow Democrats to say that the mid-term election was not a referendum on Obama, but that it was a rejection of the Tea Party.
A Grimes win against Bevin would be a different story. That story would be about fueling the GOP feud between establishment and the righ-wing conservatives, and about the Tea Party not being "electable" in an election.
Very astute, PJT
A Grimes win against McConnell would be analogous to a Coons win against Mike Castle. (By the way I don’t think that would have happened had Castle beat O’Donnell, and I don’t think Grimes can beat McConnell, if he isn’t torn apart by both sides.
A Grimes win against Bevin would be analogous to a Coons win against O’Donnell, except with a change of a red seat to a blue seat, weakening the right and strengthening the left. In DE, blue (Biden’s) stayed blue. So a Grimes win against Bevin would be worse than what happened in DE 2010.