How does this translate into barrels/day?
It’s the refineries own web page. Google seems to do a good job translating...:^)
I call BS on the largest refinery claim.
Russian energy giant launches refinery
Daily throughput capacity is approximately 140,000 barrels of crude oil.
These are a few that are larger, there are more in Europe than these that are larger.
Azerbaijan - Azerineftyag Refinery 239,000 b/d
Belgium - ExxonMobil Antwerp Refinery 333,000 b/d
- Total Antwerp Refinery 360,000 b/d
Germany - Wilhelmshaven Refinery 300,000 b/d
United Kingdom - Fawley Refinery 330,000 b/d
Netherlands - BP Rotterdam Refinery 400,000 b/d
Poland - Plock Refinery 276,000 b/d
Russia (Europe side) - Novo-Ufa Refinery 380,000 b/d
Ukraine - Kremenchug Refinery 368,500 b/d
From your link:
In 2012, the manufacturing operation of the complex was brought to its processing capacity of 7,000,000 tons (translated)
7,000,000 metric tons of crude oil equal 51.31 million barrels per year or 140,575 barrels per day.