Infinite hell contradicts infinite love.
Finite hell, however, does not.
And finite can be a long, long, long time.
“Infinite hell contradicts infinite love. Finite hell, however, does not.”
You have an unbalanced view of God if you only know of His love for He is also a God of wrath. The Scriptures do not teach God has infinite love for rebels. They do, however, teach of an eternal Hell.
nope it doesn’t.
for those that never wanted anything to do with God when alive on earth, and thought how terrible and awful it would be to live according to God’s design as put forth in Scripture,
being forced to live in heaven, like that, for all eternity, would be hell for those people.
God doesn’t force Himself on people. He knocks at the door to get them to receive Him, in a number of ways, but if they don’ t want to, and want to stay separate from God, He respects them enough as people, not to force them to be with Him. He would rather all come to Him but it’s their decision.
it wouldn’t be a free choice, and what kind of God would He be, then?
if anything, the existence of Hell proves God doesn’t force people to accept Him if they don’t want to.