Class-warrior Obama has decided there are classes of "useless Americans" who are simply not fit to live in his utopian "progressive society" (the society w/ a "tolerant and compassionate" permanent Democratic majority).
A FRIENDLY REMINDER TO DEMOCRATS: You voted for all of this: (1) throwing Americans off affordable health plans, (2) burdening Americans w/ ruinous deductibles, (3) nationalizing 1/16 of the US economy, (4) abandoning the elderly and the chronically ill, (5) empowering IPAB's (Death Panels),(6) decimating intergenerational transfers of wealth, and, (7) drug rationing.
REMEMBER THIS DEMOCRATS? As far back as 2008, at the Democrat presidential debate in Nashville, Democrat candidate Obama smilingly campaigned on the glories of his signature healthcare plan---ultimately enacted, by an historic straight Democrat party-line vote, into the "Affordable Care Act"
QUOTING 2008 OBAMA: "No. 1, let me just repeat, if youve got a health care plan that you like, you can keep it. All Im going to do is help you to lower the premiums on it. Youll still have choice of doctor.
Repeated over and over ---- with the promise that every American family would be saving $2500.00 on healthcare costs.
Significantly, Obamba NEVER corrected lock-stepping Democrats, all reading from the same Democrat talking points, all of them repeating the same Democrat promises---over and over again.
LOCK-STEPPING PARTY LOYALTY NOT SEEN SINCE 1930- 40's ERA EUROPE Obama And The Dems marched in lockstep. The persistent Dumbocrat drumbeat ---- in obeisance to Obama ---- kept ringing reassuringly in our ears: "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan."
Ominous cogs in the Obamacare meat grinder----the inexorable forcing of Grandma/pa onto Medicaid--(like cattle herded single-file onto the narrow ramp---knowing the bolt is coming---but not able to do a thing about it). Medicaid conveniently groups together the sick and elderly---as Obama's IPAB board of radicals sit in judgment. Boobamba's Orwellian-speak---the progressive way of saying "Obamacare keeps costs down."
The infamous "Death Panels---are alive and well----but they're not called death panels......for obvious reasons. The treacherous Obama euphemistically calls his death panel "I-PAB----Individual Payment Advisory Board." I-PAB decides what to pay and who to pay---thus rationing medical care to sick oldsters. Obamacare "allows" states to expand their Medicaid recipients pool. Under Obamacare, Washington now covers about 1/2 the cost of Medicaid enrollees.
What is I-PAB?
When you find out about IPAB, you will not believe it - but its r-e-a-l.... a new type of government agency. IPAB (Independent Payment Advisory Board) is the first agency of the fifth branch of govt.
1) It will make all important health care decisions by authorizing payment or not.
2) It is not funded by Congress and cannot have its budget reviewed or changed.
3) Its membership cannot be changed by future Presidents,
4) It cannot be repealed by Congress, except for a six month window in 2017.
5) Its decisions are not subject to judicial review.
6) It is not authorized by the Constitution, and is therefore immune to Constitutional processes.
Why is Obamacre herding seniors WITH ASSETS onto Medicaid---a program structured for the poor? Can you say redistribution of wealth? Herding the elderly with assets into Medicaid has ominous consequences that are intriguing to the left. B/c assets, perhaps a home owned free and clear, securities, annuities, investment property, can be seized to pay for govt treatment.
Thus intergenerational transfers of wealth (a longtime progressive bugaboo)----are decimated (grandma/pa's holdings go to the govt---not to you).
(CACKLE) GOOD OL' OBAMA SUCKUP VALERIE JARRETT "FORGOT" TO MENTION---those NOT enrolling are the self-same "underserved populations" for whom class-warrior Obama upended our entire healthcare delivery system.....which threw productive Americans w/ affordable plans into eternal healthcare chaos.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has not said how many blacks have enrolled, but California enrollment trends indicate Hispanic enrollment appears to be lagging, stoking fears that minority groups (the underserved) are not getting the message.........
Apparently, the Obo-dum-dums finally figured out that sap-happy pols blanketed so-called "underserved populations" with so many govt freebies, like free medical care in emergency rooms, that these "underserved" types are thumbing their noses at laying out cash for Obamacare.
AS FREEPER GOPJ INSIGHTFULLY POSTED: underserved populations are NOT impressed with Obamacare. Under the old system they were NEVER turned down - and took their medical needs to Hospital Emergency rooms where they received the best medical care for free... And the hospitals got to write the care off their taxes and struggling working class Americans paid for it all.......
How many “seniors” are being “herded into Medicaid”?
Ones not covered my Medicare?