I can’t understand people’s surprise at any of this,Ezekiel Emmauel is the Godfather of Obamacare,he received 1 BILLION DOLLARS in funding from the stimulus package to form the Comparative Effectiveness Research Panel,before Obamacare was even passed into law,to set up the Obamcare structure.
Now FOLKS you can read Emmauels ideology on healthcare in his “Complete Lives SYSTEM” paper,google it,you can determine if you have had your quota of quality of life years! Good luck,oh yeah the Comparative panel is disbanded,it has been replaced by the Independent payment advisory panel,better known as IPAB,or the death panel,thank you Obama
First it will be a “few” drugs. Soon it will be asperin cures all. Remember this POS is the one who campaigned on ending the donut hole. Yup, he did.