We have done the lesser evil route for 30 years and are more lib than ever.
Let that sink in.
Common sense and basic strategy says ‘do something different.
Add that to the fact that most politicians are in it for themselves...not the country as a whole. (Sorry, I am a cynic).
Although I am of the firm belief that the present Repub leadership appears to be weak (unless they are fighting amongst themselves) The Dems are worse. I'll fight tooth and toenail to get conservative candidates in the primary. Sadly...if that doesn't work I'll vote lesser of two evils...again. I will be sick about it but I'm sure not gonna stay home. To plagiarize a very wise man..I'd rather have someone that votes in a manner similar to my own mind part of the time than one that votes against those views all of the time.
If amnesty passes...we are sunk.