Several of their writers - Jonathan Tobin and Peter Wehner specifically - are so far Left on so many political issues that Conservative readers attacked them relentlessly.
Their editor, John Podhoretz, is actually a refugee from National Review.
Podhoretz, who avidly supported the Bush-McCain Amnesty in 2005-2006, quit NRO in a rage when dozens of traditional Conservative readers (like me) attacked him.
Little did we know that NRO editor Rich Lowry would support Amnesty just a few years later and fire John Derbyshire for stating the obvious.
You don't often find such a combination as Buckley's life in today's intellectuals.
Thanks zeestephen!
I can understand that managing comments can be a pain. Heck, I’m a member (or whatever you call it) of a facebook page “Black Cats are Good Luck” (I think that’s it) which is dedicated to refuting the myth that black cats are bad luck.
Obviously it has a lot of cute pictures of black cats, but they are not “racists”, they have lots of cute pictures of other color cats too.
The page is set up so anyone can post to it. And several times the administrator has warned people not to post pictures of injured or suffering kitties. She says: we support all efforts to end animal suffering, but that is not the purpose of this page and our members find these pictures disturbing.
So, that is just a silly facebook page about cats and they have problems.
But I never have too much respect for a publication that won’t take, or reveal, criticism of itself.
There was a men’s mag hubby used to get (I can’t remember if it was Esquire or GQ) and every letter to the editor they printed was about how *wonderful* they were. It was pretty girly-girlish for a magazine aimed at men.