I’m not arguing in favor of the EPA’s overreach and overregulation. But, we have tens of thousands of graduates of our very best government schools who are trained enviros. They’re not going to sit tight while conservatives “destroy the environment”.
That said, we can moderate the worst laws, modify the regulations and settle court cases that tie the EPAs hands without setting off terrible alarms. Democrats get away with it because they have a capon media. We can’t, so we must be wise as serpents and gentle as lambs.
I understand your point.
I’m simply tired of tip toeing around the liberals.
If the President stands up repeatedly and makes the case I did in Post #19, there’s NOTHING “they” can do about it.
He defends his position by stating:
“I don’t care about the emotional nonsense the left is promoting.
Our air and water has been sufficiently clean for a long time, and NONE of the laws passed in the last 10 years have improved that case.