A former Florida State Trooper and United States Customs Inspector, Mr. Halbig was invited by the U.S. Department of Justice to train over 3,500 school police officers, school superintendents and school principals. He travels the country providing presentations and keynotes to a variety of school board associations and conferences and is a nationally-recognized school safety and security expert and consultant, who has provided safety training and school assessments for more than 4,000 school districts nationwide."
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I have only high-level understanding of this incident and assume by virtue of probability that what was reported occurred. Are you suggesting otherwise?
My favorite argument:
“I refuse to listen to any questions about this matter because nobody could possibly get away with a hoax.”
Said in unison by 300 million people.
Applies to the “birth certificate,” etc.
Well, whether it’s true or false, such people are useful for moving us to ask how it is we came to believe in this thing, or that.
Keep the caution in mind that big lies are easier to put over than small ones. If he questions, by the same token he is open to being questioned.
I think we would all be thrilled to learn that nobody got shot to death at Sandy Hook. If it were so. If there are unusual factors we might indeed want to know why. But it seems to me as for the dead... aren’t there any official death records? Gravesites? Who’d go to the length of faking that, and why?