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To: Publius

When the stock market crashes, the fiat currency is useless and the EBT cards start flashing “ERROR”, the moochers, looters and inner-city tribal parasites will invade the suburbs like hungry locusts. The terrified citizenry will then demand that fedgov do whatever is necessary to protect them. That is when the liberal, fascist police state in this country is born. All according to plan.

27 posted on 02/14/2014 1:58:14 PM PST by SVTCobra03 (You can never have enough friends, horsepower or ammunition.)
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To: SVTCobra03
If the EBT cards flash zero, then the federal entity will have problems paying its mercenary minions. Even state and local entities will have trouble meeting a law enforcement payroll.

I had a conversation with people connected to our rural county sheriff's office, and I suggested that if the fertilizer hits the ventilator, he ask all former military to register with the sheriff's office to function as the sheriff's volunteer posse. Ex-military like myself would seal off the town from I-95, maintain order, and escort the farmers when they brought their produce to the local farmer's market, which would replace the Bi-Lo when their trucks no longer came to resupply the store. If gasoline ended up in short supply, I suggested horse patrols. I rode horseback on weekends from 1987 to 1992, so I'm no stranger to horse work.

When governmental entities cannot protect people from feral urban zombies, people will set up their own patrols, the way the Korean shopkeepers did during the Rodney King insurrection of 1992. People will adapt very quickly.

29 posted on 02/14/2014 2:11:13 PM PST by Publius ("Who is John Galt?" by Billthedrill and Publius now available at Amazon.)
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