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To: Kozak; MD Expat in PA; exDemMom
Hyper-descriptive stories about experiencing illness, as well as lumping together people who have legitimate, scientific concerns about vaccinations with non-scientific fantasists, are not rational answers to vaccination limitations. But then, vaccinations are a sales jub, so such things are normal from people who also claim scientific respectability.

As for the actual issue of vaccinations, it is no single thing, and lumping all of its separate componants together is one of the main techniques of deceit in this matter.

Vaccination delivery, for example, is an entire subject on its own. Combining multiple vaccines into one, giving multiple vaccinations in close order, starting vaccinations literally at birth and continuing through extremely early childhood before the immune system itself can begin to mature, adding multiple known, poisonous ingredients as adjuvants specifically to make the immune system impacted even harder - all of these have extremely serious effects and are, individually and together, not at all uniformly supported by medical professionals. And it’s hardly absurd to reason that observed collapses in children by such vaccinations cannot actually be, in fact, caused by such vaccinations. Who is more callous, a medical researcher who decides that such child collapses are “statistically insignificant” given the amount of vaccinations, or the parents struggling to deal with the suddenly immune compromised or autistic child?

As well, regarding MD certified allopathic medicine as the only legitimate medical sicence on the planet is, shall we say, subject to serious contention by the rest of the planet. Especially since things like the death rate hospitals from secondary infections, the constantly falling effectiveness and negative feedback loops of antibiotics, and the general dissatisfaction with modern medicine by patients continues unabated.

In addition, referring to a “herd effect” is breathtakingly imposing on the whole of society, for it cannot be properly imposed except through the seizing of the bodies of every human being in totality by the State, under the claim that without strict exposure to every vaccination by every person at all times, any resistance can be considered an attack against the entire society. Talk about absolute despotism and the literal seizing into physical slavery of the entire human race while claiming justification from a medical theory! Millions of people have to have poison injected into them from birth so someone won’t get sick from a carrier - yet at the same time, while praised to the heavens, close onto that praise is the legal indemnification statement that, how did you put it, “no vaccine is 100% effective 100% of the time for 100% of the people who received them.”

Well isn’t that just fine - total physical slavery and the loss of human rights for something that isn’t perfect? And WHAT, may I ask, is the actual “non-perfection” ratio? What’s the cost-benefit analysis here? How effective are vaccinations when subtracted from thethe natural socially developing immune response? How much have vaccination statistics hijacked that natural immune response and claimed it for themselves? And how many “immune challenged” and thus vulnerable people were MADE that way from having their immune systems damaged by massive exposure to adjuvant-laden vaccinations themselves?

In other words, how much is the REAL “herd effect” actually the blind obedience of people getting vaccinations while being whipped with vague threats of horror by medical professionals claiming godhood, while backing themselves up with the totalitarian powers of the state and blinding people with suppressed evidence?

Because the fact is, the same people who demand vaccinations while declaring that “of course” they are not perfect, are the ones demanding PERFECT compliance of everyone on the planet at gunpoint - and to this, too, they shrug and say “of course.” Gee, I’m smelling a distinctly NON-medical political agenda here.

And so are a LOT of people. Millions, in fact. Because careful study and statistical analysis of public health records indicate very strongly that there may well be significant problems with the vaccination medical model itself - and that while perhaps vaccinations are not completely innefective, they seem to be certainly nowhere near being able to invoke the immune response and disease effectiveness they are being claimed to provide.

But as a justification to force the injections of poisons, included as “adjuvants,” they have proven to be a terrific success. And also, it’s not like there’s any massive, global, multi-billion dollar profit motive in keeping vaccines around, right? Or political motive in keeping people sick, when there are things like Obamacare that NEED sick people and a SINGLE medical model to control - right?

For readers who want to learn more, do some research - there’s lots of it available. Here’s a good start:

MMR Vaccination’s Abject Failure in Measles and Mumps

Bedrock of vaccination theory crumbles as science reveals antibodies not necessary to fight viruses

77 posted on 02/14/2014 1:02:50 PM PST by Talisker (One who commands, must obey.)
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To: Talisker

Neither “gaia-health” nor “naturalnews” are medical websites, and they do not reflect the opinions and recommendations of the medical community.

I would suggest informing yourself at actual medical websites. There are a number of excellent ones out there, which specialize in expressing medical concepts in layperson terms. WebMD, Mayo Clinic, and CDC all maintain very good, informative websites. At (which turns into a different address after you hit enter), you can find a database of all original medical research reports, many of which can be downloaded for free. You can look up for yourself the research data on various vaccines.

You can also find vaccine data at manufacturer websites.

Before a vaccine can be approved by the FDA, it must be tested in thousands of patients. Anyone who claims that vaccines are untested is lying.

One last thing, about herd immunity. I have no idea how those anti-medical websites describe it, but I will explain what it actually is. It refers to vaccinating a high enough percentage of the population so that even if someone becomes infected, their chance of infecting another person is low, and the chance of establishing an unbroken chain of infection is vanishingly small. The exact percentage that needs to be immune depends on how contagious the disease is. Measles is extremely contagious, so to break the chain of infection requires over 92% of the population to be vaccinated. Wikipedia has a very good section on herd immunity.

It is a waste of my time to debunk individual non-scientific claims from those anti-science websites, so I will end this here.

83 posted on 02/15/2014 5:35:28 AM PST by exDemMom (Current visual of the hole the US continues to dig itself into:
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To: Talisker; exDemMom; Kozak
Where to begin?

First off, you talk about “slavery” and “breathtakingly imposing on the whole of society”, “the loss of human rights” and “despotism”, “totalitarian powers of the state and blinding people” with regards to vaccinations. I didn’t speak to that aspect, as to whether the “state” should force people to get vaccinated against their will or their religious or political beliefs. That is a whole other topic, worth discussing on its own merits, the pros and cons. I was only speaking to the reality that diseases like measles, a very highly contagious disease like measles, one rife with sometimes fatal complications is not at all innocuous or harmless. Measles was not long ago, before widespread vaccination programs, one of the leading causes of childhood deaths and miscarriages among pregnant women. Getting yourself and your family vaccinated not only protects yourself, it also protects others.

I will also tell you that I am probably more of the “libertarian” minded folks here at FR. But I do not see “libertarianism” or the extent of which I can as a free person exercise my individual rights as being completely unlimited or empowering me live in a complete vacuum and with no regard for my fellow citizens.

We have many laws that protect not our own safety and well being but also those of our neighbors.

For instance, you and I can’t legally operate a car on public roads that has no working brakes, windshield wipers, headlights or drive around on completely bald tires. You and I might own a house, own our own piece of property but we can’t dump garbage and human waste, dead animal carcasses in our front yards and along the street curb as this is a threat to not only our health but to the public health. Likewise I can’t operate my own unregulated nuclear power plant in my basement or run a chemical weapons lab in my bedroom, or a meth lab in my garage even if I’m the only one consuming the meth I produce because the risk that I might blow up not only my own house but the entire nieborhood and expose them to highly toxic chemicals is not just a personal risk. There are limits to individual freedoms even under the most libertarian of definitions; that being “I am free to do as I please as long as what I do causes no harm to or in any way limits the freedom of others.

Likewise, restaurants are subject to health inspections. You might think this is an imposition and on them running their business as they choose but unless you are able to and fully trained and knowledgeable and prepared to conduct your own health inspections every time you go out to eat, you are probably depending on some government imposed standards. That is not to say that all restaurants are 100% compliant 100% of the time, but the regulations and random inspections help keep such establishments in compliance and the penalties for not complying are correct.

Likewise food handlers have to pass tests on safe food handling and it used to be (not sure to what extent it still is) that all food preparers and handlers were subject to regular testing for hepatitis and cholera and TB, something that I think should be done as is done with people working in hospitals and clinics have and that they need to be vaccinated against communicable diseases that they are likely to come in contact with and pass on to others if they are not. Is this “statist” or “despotism” or is this common sense for the common good?

And as a “libertarian” while I might support your right and personal decision not to get vaccinated, as a “libertarian” I would also hold you accountable for your poor decision. If you or a member of your family comes down with measles or any other preventable but highly contagious and life threatening disease, I would support you and your family being forcibly quarantined under the force of law or the right of anyone to whom you transmitted your disease to, especially if they were not able to be vaccinated and you knew you were sick and highly communicable and didn’t care, to sue you for damages. See how the idea of unlimited personal freedom balanced with personal responsibility works? Contrary to what you might think, individual freedom is not a card blanche to do whatever you want without respect to the health, welfare and freedoms and rights of others.

As to me providing “Hyper-descriptive stories about experiencing illness”, you then go on to say “observed collapses in children by such vaccinations cannot actually be, in fact, caused by such vaccinations. Who is more callous, a medical researcher who decides that such child collapses are “statistically insignificant” given the amount of vaccinations, or the parents struggling to deal with the suddenly immune compromised or autistic child”.

Public health records regarding the deaths of children and adults dyeing from measles, polio, influenza, etc. are not pulled out of whole cloth, they are very well documented. You also can’t have it both ways. You can’t claim that one set of solid and very well documented data is just a statistical anomaly and then use another set of rather questionable data and highly Hyper-descriptive stories to be meaningful just because you dismiss one and not the other.

The Autism – vaccination link has been debunked over and over again but that doesn’t stop the anti-vaccine crowd from citing and repeating it as gospel.

And keep in mind that out of any large population of people, children included who receive any vaccination, there will be a very few who experience some sort of an adverse reaction. But the truth is that most of these “adverse” reactions are rather minor; these are things like swelling and redness at the injection site, a mild fever or aches and pains for a day or two, a few may pass out shorty after getting the vaccination but that usually has more to do with fear of needles and a psychological response rather than a physical one, a hysterical response rather than a physical one attributable to the vaccine, and a very, very few may suffer a more adverse reactions to the vaccination, they may have a hyper immune response or they may have some sort of allergic reaction and these can be serious and life threatening in a very few, but yes, “statically speaking” they are anomalies, outliers and the lives saved by vaccination programs are not negated by the very few who suffer some sort of negative effect.

I would go back once again to the modern automobile as an example. Sure we hear stories every once and a while about someone who died in an auto wreck because they couldn’t undo their seat belt when their car went under water or caught in fire or the seatbelt caused an internal injury. But overwhelmingly it has been proven time and time again that wearing seat belts has saved many more lives than the statistically very few that it cause a problem for. I for one am going to wear a seatbelt. If you don’t, fine with me, but don’t expect me to shed a tear for you if you are ejected through the windshield of your car and don’t expect me to pay for your hospitalization, long term care or your funeral.

The rest of your post is chock full of unscientific and hysterical nonsense and exDemMom is better to refute those than I am. But when you talk about “adjuvant-laden vaccinations” and vaccinations being “poisons” this tells me that you really have no idea what and of that even means or how vaccinations work, when you talk about vaccinations “keeping people sick” you really need to educate yourself and do some real research on the topic.

As far as your link “Bedrock of vaccination theory crumbles as science reveals antibodies not necessary to fight viruses” first of all this is from Mike Adam’s Natural News site, not exactly or even remotely a reputable site for scientific or medical news. And it is not because “big medicine” or “big pharma” is keeping him down, it is because it is pure junk science not even honest science. From the link you posted; “Bedrock of vaccination theory crumbles as science reveals antibodies not necessary to fight viruses” one of the comments was:

“A friend forwarded me this article and I was not sure if your analysis of that Harvard Medical School study was correct. I emailed the author, Prof. Uldrich H. von Andrian, to see if his study proved that vaccines were unnecessary. Here's his reply:

“Our study makes no such claims. The work in question has examined a "naive" response of mice to infection with a specific virus, VSV. All we showed is that the animals could survive this infection even if they lacked certain parts of the immune system that are usually activated by vaccines. However, the mice did get infected (i.e. they got sick) and they would get infected again if they were re-exposed to the same virus at a later time. Had they been vaccinated, the viral infection (i.e. sickness) would have been completely prevented. A vaccinated animal would have been protected against this virus for the rest of its life. That's the point of vaccination, one of the most significant and impactful advances in the history of medicine."

Websites like Natural News and dare I say, like a lot of Creationist websites, they take the findings and research papers of actual scientists but then cherry pick and take out of context what they think supports their POV while totally ignoring and willfully omitting that which from the very same paper, doesn’t.

And your other link from Gaia Health? Seriously? Gaia Health? The website that also posts “Economics Are Destroying the Earth: Stunning Video” - Gaia is being destroyed by an artificial construct called economics. We stand back and watch as those self-styled "scientists" of economics play games with figures to justify the destruction of everything. They use the term "externalities" for the ozone, biodiversity, aquifers, and all the rest of nature to pretend that the destruction..

Sure. OMG! Gaia is being destroyed by big pharma, GMO foods, Global Warming, nuclear energy, animal cruelty, and capitalism….did I forget any of the memes?

86 posted on 02/15/2014 1:53:49 PM PST by MD Expat in PA
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