All hearsay.
Of the people witnessed to be claiming to be helped by AA, how many were telling the truth? And many more AA members might have been quit drinking outside of AA?
For all we know, AA could be holding more people back from sobriety than it is helping.
Anything more is speculation.
If you've got evidence they are lying then lets hear it. Until then they have provided first hand evidence and have satisfied the burden of proof unless you can impeach their personal testimony. And it's not hearsay, it's first hand testimony these people have put forth. And for all we know there are billions more people who could benefit from AA if they gave it a try. You see, mindless speculation works both ways. In any event, AA costs nothing, has millions of successful devotees and there is nothing to lose for the alcohol addict who wants to get sober by checking it out. Nothing to lose and the world to gain.