Don’t believe the hype. Scott Walker’s recall election was supposed to be bad news for the Marxist in 2012.
Rino’s are experts at snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
I’ve heard some of the GOP strategerists explain that away as “well, the Dems don’t have another Barack Obama up their sleeve.”
I hope that’s it.
You are smart to point this out. I believe the Chicago Fraud Machine has gone nationwide. Ann Coulter wrote a column this month regarding the demographic challenge Republicans have. And OUR leadership seems bereft of doing ANYTHING to excite the base.
I don’t think it is impossible, but this is not going to be a cakewalk.
When I heard the Republican governor of Nevada was GIVING UP on enforcing the WRITTEN LAW banning sodomite “marriage” in his state, I got sick to my stomach. The LAW ought to be enforced. Obama’s habit of picking and choosing what laws to enforce (including his own piece of crap Death Panel Law) seems to be spreading to other entities.
This means, essentially, that there IS NO LAW.
It would have been if Mitch and Boner hadn’t got the inventor of Obamacare nominated!!