Uh not exactly. The registry was introduced by the liberal party in 1993 and passed in 1995 with a deadline to register in 2003. The Conservative party campaigned against it for many years and it wasn't until they got a majority government that the registry was finally scrapped in 2012. To get this accomplished took a lot of effort and the battle is not over by a long shot. Some provinces still want the data and you can pretty much assume when the libs return to power they will try to implement it again. The gun control people are relentless and never give up. Never rest and assume a victory large or small makes things safe for our side. Anyone who back in the Bush years felt comfortable got a rude awakening with 0.
Here in the states the ATF was forbidden from keeping databases of background checks on the NICS system, even though they had been. Not only do I not doubt those records which were supposed to be destroyed still exist, but now the NSA has the details as well.
Any firearm purchased since the NICS started is registered for all practical purposes as a result. If/when someone in government decides to compile the data firearm owners will be on the list, along with CCW permit holders, even if their last purchase preceded the 1968 GCA.