Now I know none of us give a damn what Karl Rove says, but isn't it telling that conservatives can always be bashed to the hilt but democrats must get a light touch and be protected.
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To: cotton1706
2 posted on
02/11/2014 9:01:31 AM PST by
(No Obama)
To: cotton1706
Rove, one guy I sure would not wish to be in foxhole with. He would probably think that shooting at the enemy was not the thing to do and probably shoot me.
3 posted on
02/11/2014 9:01:41 AM PST by
(The insurrection laws perpetuate what we have for a government now.)
To: cotton1706
That, and the fact that DemocRATS attack Republicans non-stop; but Rove doesn’t seem to be worried about that.
4 posted on
02/11/2014 9:02:56 AM PST by
(Shoot cops that shoot dogs.)
To: cotton1706
5 posted on
02/11/2014 9:03:15 AM PST by
(The Partisans)
To: cotton1706
6 posted on
02/11/2014 9:03:28 AM PST by
To: cotton1706
Politico is the poison pen owned by and for the RATS never read it.
7 posted on
02/11/2014 9:03:31 AM PST by
(term limits will only save this country.)
To: cotton1706
Bill Clinton has no expertise to offer, only his personal charm for deal making. Clinton should be castigated every time he makes a public appearance.
Rove is a snake.
8 posted on
02/11/2014 9:04:01 AM PST by
(When in doubt, move to the right..........)
To: cotton1706
Rand's comments are more directed toward the next Donk presidential candidate. Rove doesn't understand that.
9 posted on
02/11/2014 9:04:05 AM PST by
Eric in the Ozarks
("Say Not the Struggle Naught Availeth.")
To: cotton1706
Keep it up Karl!
We want you to isolate the RINOs from us.
Please give NO reason to vote for any RINOs!
10 posted on
02/11/2014 9:04:46 AM PST by
(Democrats' Obamacare Socialist Health Insur. Tax violates U.S. Constitution AND Anti-Trust Law.)
To: cotton1706
12 posted on
02/11/2014 9:05:03 AM PST by
("Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire)
To: cotton1706
You can't talk bad about Bill! He's...he's popular!!!" :)
13 posted on
02/11/2014 9:07:22 AM PST by
Mr. Jeeves
To: cotton1706
Karl Rove really need to STFU.
This asshat has done more HARM to the GOP than Slick Willie could have ever done in his wildest dreams.
14 posted on
02/11/2014 9:07:39 AM PST by
(Molon Labe, Traitors!)
To: cotton1706
“...saying that its not good strategy for running for president.”
And he would know such strategies?
15 posted on
02/11/2014 9:07:40 AM PST by
(Government is best which governs least.)
To: cotton1706
HEY Karl!!,
That really worked in 2012 didn't it.
NO wait, it DIDN'T!
16 posted on
02/11/2014 9:07:50 AM PST by
( Isaiah: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil,")
To: FReepers; Patriots; FRiends
17 posted on
02/11/2014 9:07:58 AM PST by
(Please Support Free Republic - Donate Monthly! If you want on Sarah Palin's Ping List, Let Me know!)
To: cotton1706
Giving this idiot a soapbox is one of the many reasons FOX is NOT “Fair and Balanced” and why we need better coverage of events by The Blaze to challenge them for a conservative audience.
18 posted on
02/11/2014 9:08:05 AM PST by
(Magua is sitting in the Oval Office. Ted Cruz/Phil Robertson in 2016.)
To: cotton1706
Giving this idiot a soapbox is one of the many reasons FOX is NOT “Fair and Balanced” and why we need better coverage of events by The Blaze to challenge them for a conservative audience.
19 posted on
02/11/2014 9:08:09 AM PST by
(Magua is sitting in the Oval Office. Ted Cruz/Phil Robertson in 2016.)
To: cotton1706
Clinton and Hillary told the press Monica and her mother were ‘unstable’ - mentally ill. The two had the ‘sluts and nuts’ attacks down pat and used them against women who had been used and were ready to be discarded.
The fact that Rove doesn’t see this - that he thinks it’s ‘just sex’ makes him a fool. It’s time for him to join up with democrats and he can take Rubio with him. Our side has nothing to lose with these two gone..
20 posted on
02/11/2014 9:08:36 AM PST by
("Hillary Clinton says (the) press has big egos and no brains". - Tony Blair - May 19, 1993)
To: cotton1706
Don’t care much for either of these guys. Especially, Rove.
To: cotton1706
It would seem that Rove is the one who convinced Bush that it was better to sit quietly while he was unfairly attacked in the media.
Brilliant strategy on Rove's part! /sarc
Bush was blamed for EVERYTHING by the Democrats and the MSM. And not a whimper out of him in his own defense..
24 posted on
02/11/2014 9:16:43 AM PST by
Cowboy Bob
(They are called "Liberals" because the word "parasite" was already taken.)
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