This is stupid. If I was writing the OPORD for this exercise I wouldn’t get so specific about WHY the kids were poisoned. Just say that they were poisoned! Yes you need to give the enemey situation but nothing as in depth as this. Silly lefties.
[ This is stupid. If I was writing the OPORD for this exercise I wouldnt get so specific about WHY the kids were poisoned. Just say that they were poisoned! Yes you need to give the enemey situation but nothing as in depth as this. Silly lefties. ]
Why the hell would they poison the children? The children are victims of the establishment and common core...
This is nothing more than control freak statist “Projection” as socialists always seek to “Break a few Eggs” to make their commie omletes.
I would say that to be more realistic they would poison the visiting federal government overseer when they made their rounds to make sure that common core was implemented and that little johnny isn’t eating lunches from home that may contain peanut butter.
Most of the so-called by them “Tea Baggers” are people who actually OBEY the Law even if they resent the law, unlike the leftie radicals who practice a “Helter Skeletor” model of behavior.
Leftist Projection is an amusing and potentially tyrannical thing. A lot of the crimes commited by Stalin, Lenin, Mao and Hitler were based off of “Projection” of their own tactics onto their own internal enemies as propaganda.