Disgusting. The vomit-worthiness. I will never support this company again. What a disgusting joke. What it means to be a family HAS changed. It changed for the little boy in Alabama adopted by two men who raped him. It’s changed for black youths being raised without fathers across this country. There’s no such thing as family in America anymore. The country has become a Sodomic cesspool of depravity, people wallowing in their feces while children suffer. Nobody care’s about children anymore. Kill ‘em in the womb, give them away to gay pedophiles. Why not?
Not to mention what a grammatically weak sentence that is.
What a family looks like has not changed, even though Chevy, and perhaps those from whom it takes instructions are trying to make it seem so.
One suspects that the next time you see a Chevy truck pulling up to a job site, it just might have a FOR SALE sign on it.
I didn’t need a reason to not buy a Chevy...but this adds to the pile.
Funny how Chevrolet had zero interest in showing mixed race couples until it started wanting to suck up to the gay crowd. We've had mixed race couples and adoptive parents for decades and centuries but apparently these groups don't qualify us for "new us" status. Only the gays can take us to that level, apparently. But of course these other groups are still wheeled out because they do serve a purpose. They exist to justify the real object of the commercial, which is the gay parents.
GM’s America - apple pie and sodomy in the backseat of a Chevy...
Chevy going after some of the the Subaru market share.
I imagine Soetoro put them up to this. After all, Barry owns Gubmint Motors. Celebrating Queerdom at the Olympics. Nice!
Sorry, Pooty, America is bound and determined to turn your 0lympics into a Gay Pride Parade.
That commercial one big propaganda march
Gay shite galore
Mixed race couplings galore
Nearly all couples period even when same race...were non whites
A guy drops in US from Mars he would think US is tiny percentage white and hugely homo from our Mad ave bs
I wonder did Obama and Jarrett get to these idiots....we are being creamed with these themes non stop
Does mixing blacks with whites validate blacks now?
Why is that not bigotry....
We are so screwed culturally...the progressive socialists of which racial reconstruction is mother’s milk are whooping the dog shite out of us
Us being mostly clueless or scared to say a damned thing.... given bigots feel no love..lol
Yet another reason I just can’t see myself buying a Government Motors product.
My "New Road" is the Ancient Faith!
My son is already figuring out how to convert the Chevy emblams on his hub caps into Patriarchal crosses.