Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God!!
We the people are the sovereigns!! We are the resistance!!
Securing the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity is our heritage, right and duty!!
With your prayers, your perseverance, your support, Truth and Liberty shall prevail.
We must keep the Faith regardless of where our "leaders" wish to lead otherwise.
"If we endure, we will also reign with Him; if we deny Him, He also will deny us."
Thank you all very much!!
God bless!
~Jim Robinson, 2-5-2014
We are reminded as we pass the 41st anniversary of Roe v Wade of where the immoral godless extremism of the liberal/progressive movement leads. Roe is responsible for the slaughter of more than 55 million babies in our country - more than 1.3 million a year.
Life has been the standard for all civilized societies throughout the history of mankind. With few exceptions, only in godless totalitarian societies run by ruthless kings or dictators would you find governments wantonly slaughtering millions of its own citizens. In modern times that would be leftist/fascist dictators such as Lennon, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, etc. Strange that communist totalitarian societies like Russia and China are moving away from their failed anti-capitalist, anti-freedom, anti-God policies while American progressives and liberals are stepping up their goal of removing God from our public life and curtailing more and more of our God-given freedoms while replacing them with anti-capitalist, anti-freedom policies and tighter and tighter centralized government control over society.
When a government or society abandons God and reduces the value of human life to that of a common animal with no soul, then history proves that said government will treat humans accordingly. Man will be herded, enslaved, used as beasts of burden and slaughtered at will by ruthless, Godless, soulless totalitarians.
This is where the godless extremism of leftism always leads. Yes, they want to kill God. They want to say man has no soul. Man is just another animal that crawled out of the sea and onto the ground. That modern man has overpopulated the planet is now killing mother earth, so modern man must be brought under control.
~Jim Robinson,
January 21, 2014