To: eartick; NFHale; DuncanWaring; Marcella; Windflier; AllAmericanGirl44; bobby.223; Old Sarge; ...
You nailed it. If Y-stone goes, it's taking the the whole world down with it. Of course, here in the States, we'll be wiped out in a matter of hours to days. Where I am in Idaho, I'll be moving on to my Eternal Reward in about 4-5 hours after Y-stone lets loose...especially if the chain of volcanoes that make up the Snake River unzips. Cowardly expats who love to bash their former nation, drawing SS while not paying their expat taxes, will have to deal with the horror of starvation/cannibalism in their Turd World paradise.
Scouts Out! Cavalry Ho!
265 posted on
02/05/2014 7:51:21 AM PST by
wku man
(We are the 53%!
To: wku man
We wouldn’t be wiped out. It would royally suck, but if it was enough to sterilize the interior of the continent there would have been a lot of larger animals extinctions recorded in the local and regional stratigraphic records.
280 posted on
02/05/2014 11:51:32 AM PST by
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