“Two lovable little rascals, in a mischievous prank, ended up tragically killing a neighbor during a prank that went awry. The rapscallions were expecting to surprise the neighbor in a playful game ...”
So, do I have what it takes to be a reporter?
Yes you do, you had better show them your narrative and they’ll hire you on the spot.
I expect to see a lede in the future about a murder “gone horribly wrong.” That seems to be the phrase du jour of lib scribblers. I’ve read many stories where the hoodlums were merely robbing the couple at gunpoint, AND THEN THINGS WENT HORRIBLY WRONG!!!! Yes, what could possibly go “horribly wrong” when two punks break into someone’s house and try to rob the inhabitants? Lib “journalists” need as big an a..-kicking as the thugs.