The India solution might be the intention, but the Lincoln solution will be the effect.
The facts are that there are millions of conservatives on the left and east coasts (I’m in MA), and there are millions of marxists in flyover territory as well. In any election anywhere, the margin will be somewhere in the vicinity of 60 versus 40 (disclaimer: YMMV). In MA, the loser conservative always garners 40. I’d imagine it is similar in many republican areas with the lieberal getting the 40.
If we are to go the Lincoln solution route, I’m resigned to being behind enemy lines. I’ll do what I can to help...
Right behind ya, C210N. I’m also in Mass., and I feel your pain.
Still, even here in The Deep Blue, Conservatives always pull a substantial percentage of major votes. The outcome is never 100-0. We are not alone.
I think we need another Lexington.