I can drive in New Jersey ice.
NJ sands and salts and scrapes the roads when you guys get ice. There’s probably not a single salt truck south of I-40. Much less enough of them to adequately cover a big metro area like Atl. I could ‘drive’ on NJ ‘ice’ too. I only hesistated when there was more than 8 or 10” in a fairly short period of time. Then I just waited for the salt trucks/plows to ‘take care of’ the turnpike and GSP before I headed out.
I wonder just how much of Atl’s problem was northerners who thought ‘I can drive on snow, it’s just a couple inches!’ and then got stuck because hey, no plows, no scrapers, no salt trucks and no sanding. Happened to a friend of mine who moved to the Memphis area. It’s easy to trick mother nature if you’ve got tricks up your sleeve.
New Jersey. Parts of it quite close to Manhattan, where entire Upper Eastside neighborhoods were recently crippled by mere snow. Thank goodness they didn't have to deal with black ice, like Atlanta.
I thought I read somewhere that nobody can drive in New Jersey. :)