And one of the best arguments for the death penalty is the 0% Recidivism Rate.
I’m in complete agreement and I did successfully argue for the death penalty in my debate class. No one in the class could come up with an opposing argument.
If I had my way, people with cast iron evidence against them would be given a date of execution one week after the trial ends. One appeal and then an interview with a clemency board and then after, the sentence would be carried out.
It would simplify things.
As for a trial, it would have to be exhaustive; nothing should be allowed to be left out and there should be some mitigating factors (genuinely insane people would be locked in an asylum for the rest of their lives) and abuse victims would just get time in jail until their issues are sorted out.
As for people who are so obviously guilty, I believe that it would be better if in fact a speedy timeline were set up. No more waiting around twenty years for automatic appeals.