Fox News has gone over to the dark side more and more lately.
I remember when the Tea Party Movement started and the Tea Party Express was having nationwide tours with rallys/TeaPartys they embedded a reporter with us who showed up at almost all tea parties and went live if Greta's show was on then. Other wise they would play it on other shows occasionally and record it and play the tea party rallies at various times.
You know, reporting what Conservatives were doing to take back our Constitutional Republic and expose the over taxing and other government corruption.
The Fox Overlords after a few TPX tours pulled the plug.
I think after a while they caught on that it wasn't a Republican thing, but a strong movement of the people---who wanted freedom from big government.
Fox doesn't want that, they want Rove, Carville, Colmes, Hannity, O'Reilly, Hilliary and other Republican propaganda "machines" manipulating the people.
Repressive regimes don't like the people's views to get out there, they may go all Constitutional on 'em...
Indeed. You’re right on all counts.
I am looking forward to being snubbed by you at the shoot. ;-p