No, the DDT wasn't sprayed on the hives. But it was sprayed on the cows when they came into the barn for milking or eating. It was part of the routine to stand by door, open it just far enough for the cows to file in single file, aim and spray it at their backside as they passed.
Our hives were no more than 100 yards from the barn on the other side of the cow pasture Our barn cats lived fat healthy lives on rodents which attempted to get at our grain supply and milk that we boys "accidentally" squirted at them while we were milking.
We also had barn swallows in each end of the barn every year. They produced healthy babies every year despite the concentration of DDT which must have been in that barn.
The more I hear about DDT, the more I wonder why we aren’t using it anymore. I recall there was a big hub bub about it back in the 70s and 80s, but I was a wee lad at the time.
We used to run behind the DDT spray truck in New Mexico back in 1956. It was cool on a hot day.
Probably DDT is a lot more harmless that the bee larvae killing pesticides mentioned above. Europe has banned a few systemic pesticides made by Bayer that is says are killing bees. These Bayer systemics are still legal here in America. I was tempted to use one a few years ago but have not so far