LOL<If she had used some of that anger in fighting terrorism, ‘it may have made a difference’ instead of giving BC a pass on adultery.
.... (missus Cli’ton gave)Billy-Bubbah a pass on adultery ....
And over many many years on such serious serial sexual predatory behavior as made her — demonstrably and unarguably incapable of standing on her own meat-locker-IQ-enabled “accomplishments” and already co-dependently and/or independently complicit in “her man’s” recidivism, systematic capital treasons, lying, looting, thieving, mass-murdering and various other of his crime-family activities — also a co-serial rapist.
As in the end was/is the evil barsteward’s every cabinet member, appointee and supporter.
Including, while I’m being picky, the person who inexplicably reinstated both Cli’tons to the oligarchy and whose extended family eventually also embraced them: Mr George Walker Bush.