Mark explains it ALL and boy do we NEED him!!
Levin Frinks List:
Love ya’ Biggirl!
Hello All.
. . . the purpose of the Great Sedition Trial [of 2014]wasis to make theRooseveltObama administration seem opposed to ['anti-government' acts] when, in fact, the administrationwasis pursuing totalitarian policies. Too few Americans today know of this [unfolding] travesty, a shameful blot on U.S. history.
The Great Sedition Trial of 1944
Once again I say the left is moving rapidly to initiate a Great Sedition Trial of 2014 that matches what FDR tried to do to opponents with the Great Sedition Trial of 1944. FDR started with small fry and planned to move up the chain of opposition.
FDR failed. Obama might succeed, the Establishment today is arguably aging 1960s New Left Marxist-Alinsky radical, campus psycho spoiled brats and their ideological issue. The Establishment in FDR's days did not go along and eventually stopped:
". . . one of the blackest marks on the record of American jurisprudence. In the legal world, none can recall a case where so many Americans were brought to trial for political persecution and were so arrogantly denied the rights [guaranteed] an American citizen under the Constitution.
Sedition has become opposing Obama.
Power hour coming up.