Wendy Davis left both girls in the custody of her second husband while she went to Ivy League college to earn her law degree. The 23 year old was in her late teens when Ms. Davis essentially abandoned her to go to law school at the Ivy Leagues, instead of SMU law school here in Texas. The 17 year old was in her early teens when essentially abandoned to Dad.
Abandoning a 14 and 19 year old (thereabouts on age) to second husband isn’t as bad as abandoning babies. But leaving the girls with Dad while she left the state to go to law school, then divorcing him AFTER he paid for it, is quite revealing of her character or lack thereof.
She stayed married while in law school out of state. Let him be a cross-country baby-sitter while she went to Ivy League. THEN divorced him.
I agree, it’s all very trashy.