Can anyone explain to me why it makes a difference on whether she was 19 or 21? The other things (like leaving the day her husband paid off her college loan and losing custody of her kids) seem to me to be more important. However, people around here keep harping on the 19 vs 21 thing.
I’m not sure why this is being fought at time. Normally things like this
would be discussed in the last two months or so before the general election.
Heck the primay hasn’t been held yet. It maybe that Davis is pushing this
out now so it can be claimed to be old news and not campaign worthy
come the general.
Because it's a lie. She keeps claiming she was a 'teenage' single mother (as if it gives her a higher rating on some kind of martyr scale).
It's a lot like the media claiming a huge number of 'children' are killed by guns, when what really happens is 14 to 19 year old gang-bangers blow each other away.
Hope that helps. :-)
She's claiming to be a poor unmarried teenager living in a trailer park. She's playing the "victim" card and the "me too" card.
She had to pay child support to her ex-husband. Was she ever a deadbeat mom?