Why? So they can officially take away our constitutional rights thant they currently scoff ??
No thanks. The rights handed down to us by the founders are just fine, Tom.
The rights handed down to us are certainly not fine, as it is. They are being destroyed by congress AND voters who want government to be fundamentally transformed
We’re going on $18 trillion in debt and that’s BEFORE obamacare moves in and takes away our money
They’ll be worthless next to the need to fight for survival
42% of young adults have any desire to have kids
At a financial aid briefing for parents of prospective college students, the speaker said its only $20,000.00 average debt new college grads have, not the rare $100,000.00 the media wants us to believe and their first car will.be around $20,000.00.
I had $2 g debt and an $1,800.00 car. No $200 TV and Internet bill. A $50 phone bill And I had a job
Jimmy kümmel made fun yesterday of Medicare spending multi millions on penis pumps for 450,000 men.
That’s government money. These people are giving away our rights for this stuff
While congress is breaking a contract with veterans by taking away their promised retirement. Hugh Hewitt says if a corp did the same, it would get sued and lose the case
A group of nuns have to go to the Supreme Court for their right to not have to sin and risk hell or close up shop taking care of old poor people by being forced to provide birth control to their staff
Who’s paying for that? The lawyers? How many of those cases are they going to volunteer for?
The IRS has no liability in harassing right wing groups when Nixon was rightfully brought to impeachment for just thinking about doing that
Our rights are not fine